This month in real estate news, we take a look at two Oregon vacation spots that are among the top getaways in the nation, find out what time of year is ideal for home buying, and look at a real estate scam that’s on the rise. 

Phishing emails have been around almost as long as the email itself, but this scam is impacting home buyers more often than ever before as thieves use more sophisticated tactics to disguise their email origins. We’ll tell you how to avoid losing your down payment to scammers. 

Three Reasons to Invest in Real Estate 

When he was 35, Brent Sutherland bought his first single-family home to rent out for income. Now, less than five years later, he owns eight additional properties. Although real-estate investing is a decidedly "non-traditional" method for building wealth, it’s a powerful one nonetheless.   

How an Oregon Hotel Magnate Ended up at the Center of the Ukraine Deal

Gordon Sondland built his name in Portland in the 1990s as a real estate developer who put together complex deals to renovate and operate historic hotels downtown. Is all he’s worked for now at risk? 

Money Wire by Email Real Estate Scams on the Rise 

Aaron Cole sold his old home and was ready to move with his wife and two children into a new place. But that happy occasion turned into a nightmare when he had to tell his wife their closing money had vanished.

Two Oregon Locations Land on Top Vacation Spot Lists

An Oregon Coast favorite and a hideaway village on Mount Hood are, according to Vacasa, among the best places in the country to buy vacation homes. The Portland-based vacation rental company recently put out its annual "Top 25 places to buy a vacation home," including two popular Oregon getaways.

How the Downfall of WeWork Could Impact NYC Real Estate

Co-working businesses, which sign long-term leases and then sublet portions to tenants through a shorter contract, make up 12 percent of office leasing in New York, according to analysts at Morgan Stanley. Commercial real estate vacancies might rise significantly if co-working tenants drop out of the market during an economic downturn.

When is it the Best Time of Year to Buy Your Home? 

When interest rates and inventory are low, there are plenty of home buyers. The less inventory and the more buyers, the more likely you are to get top dollar.

The “Black Friday” of Real Estate 

Forty-one out of 53 real estate markets in the U.S. reported that buyers see significantly less competition and greater inventory during this time. 

 People list and buy their homes from early spring through the summer, said George Ratiu, senior economist at By fall, most families with kids want to be settled into the school system, so markets see a decrease in activity.